05. May 2014 · Comments Off on Papa Hawk-Saga #1 · Categories: Papa Hawk's Aventures

A hawk just swooped down from the roof of the building and hesitated in front of my balcony, before it glided south and disappeared. Yesterday, there were two chasing one another; they finally landed on the twig-like branches of a tall, narrow and leafless tree that pokes up from behind a mass of enormous evergreens that dominate the landscape across the street from me. Admittedly, I’ve stalked these familiar hawks for years now.

It started with Papa Hawk, watching me watch him. Or, so it seemed. He roosted on top of an enormous evergreen and stared often in my direction. Everyone assured me he was checking his territory for an edible meal. I imagined he was my talisman, trying to make eye contact with me to convey something worthwhile.

Not a usual birdwatcher, I became fascinated and started waiting for his early morning arrivals to the top of the evergreen. Within several days, he glided near my balcony and tilted his wing towards me, as if to wave hello. I raced to the window, but he had disappeared. Later, someone told me the hawk often perched on the corner of the roof, looking down on his feasting territory from another favorite angle. I started doing research on his species and mentioned my feathery neighbor to all that would listen.

My next mission required a spree of shopping to find just the right pair of binoculars for further distance viewing. I watched as Papa Hawk had numerous adventures: He courted his mate, showed off his offspring, and fought off attacks from the neighborhood bullies, known as Blue Jays. Stop by again to share in his adventures.

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