06. May 2014 · Comments Off on Favorites: Hanging Mirrors · Categories: Favorite Things

Measuring, leveling, anchoring, nailing, all necessary for the Finale, but this is more about: Location! Location! Location!

Just like surveying worthwhile property to purchase, select a view to exploit with your mirror. It should enhance the view and/or expand the space.

Have someone position the mirror in the location of your choice. Investigate the view it provides. Does it enhance the area or provide a sense of expansion?

If not, look for another place for the mirror!


A few examples: Click on each photograph to enlarge the view


This mirror is placed over the kitchen sink to create a window. The reflection offers a view and an expansion of the space.



The mirror in the hallway reflects an opposite wall, which is part of the living room. The reflection reveals framed art, an arrangement of exotic plants, and an unusual lamp, which are all “framed” by the hall mirror. The eye sees an expanded and enhanced space, and the brain ignores the fact that the space is small. One of my favorite design tricks!





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